Gate Ventures
73 内容
Gate Ventures Weekly Crypto Recap (Mar 10, 2025)
Gate VenturesFewer than expected jobs were created...
2025-03-10 20:48
Oracle Extractable Value (OEV): The Hidden Revenue and New Frontier in DeFi, In-Depth Analysis
Gate VenturesOracle Extractable Value (OEV) is a s...
2025-03-06 18:18
Gate Ventures Weekly Crypto Recap (Mar 3 , 2025)
Gate Ventures Weekly Crypto Recap (Mar 3 , 2025)Ga...
2025-03-03 17:35
Gate Ventures 研究洞察:AltDA 生态重构:挑战与突围之道
Gate VenturesTL;DR 随着加密货币交易市场的持续繁荣,链上交易处理能力和容量扩容成为业...
2025-02-26 15:57
Gate Ventures Weekly Crypto Recap (Feb 24, 2025)
Gate VenturesTL;DRFed’s officials are discussing p...
2025-02-24 18:49
Gate Ventures Weekly Crypto Recap (Feb 17, 2025)
Gate VenturesTL;DRReciprocal tariff: concrete deci...
2025-02-17 17:22
Gate Ventures 研究洞察:长尾资产的崛起,链上流动性如何颠覆 CEX
TL;DR 在这篇文章中,我们探讨了链上流动性如何通过技术创新逐步改变去中心化交易所(DEX)与中心化...
2025-02-14 20:30
Gate Ventures Weekly Crypto Recap (Feb 10, 2025)
Gate VenturesTL;DRUS job report: While below-than-...
2025-02-10 20:00
Gate Ventures Weekly Crypto Recap (Feb 5, 2025)
Gate VenturesTL;DRFOMC Meeting: hawkish statement ...
2025-02-05 22:18
Gate Ventures Weekly Crypto Recap (Jan 27, 2025)
Gate VenturesTL;DRWhy is Trump so eager to lower t...
2025-01-27 19:33
Gate Ventures 加入 Morph VC Collective,共同推动区块链主流解决方案发展 旗下的风险投资部门 Gate Ventures,宣布正式加入新成立的 Morph Venture Capital Collective。
2025-01-27 18:55
Gate Ventures 研究洞察:ReFi 革新,开启消费者应用新时代
Gate Ventures 引言 Web3 通过区块链技术构建了一个和链下世界截然不同的经济范式和文化体系...
2025-01-24 17:34
Gate Ventures 投资 850 万美元,助力 BugsCoin 生态加速加密教育创新
此次合作进一步巩固了 Gate Ventures 在加密货币教育领域的战略布局,推动了全球加密货币教育和普及交易学习的进程。
2025-01-22 16:38
Gate Ventures Pledges $20M to Support the BNB Incubation Alliance (BIA)
Gate VenturesEmpowering Early-Stage Blockchain Inn...
2025-01-20 23:11
Gate Ventures Pledges $20M to Support the BNB Incubation Alliance
Gate VenturesEmpowering Early-Stage Blockchain Inn...
2025-01-20 23:11
Gate Ventures 宣布出资 2000 万美元,为 BNB 孵化联盟注入新动力
支持由 BNB 链和 Binance Labs 联合发起的全球创新计划——BNB 孵化联盟(BIA)。
2025-01-20 21:46
2025 Crypto Investment Thesis: The Future of AI, DeFi, DeSci, and Memes
Gate VenturesAs we enter 2025, the crypto ecosyste...
2025-01-20 17:48
Gate Ventures Weekly Crypto Recap (Jan 20, 2025)
Gate VenturesTL;DRTrump is expected to sign more t...
2025-01-20 17:38
Gate Ventures Weekly Crypto Recap (Jan 13, 2025)
Gate VenturesTL;DRUS nonfarm payroll largely excee...
2025-01-13 18:35
The Road Ahead: When Will the Fed End Quantitative Tightening and What Could It Mean for the…
The Road Ahead: When Will the Fed End Quantitative...
2025-01-07 10:53


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