产品经理 Product Manager
Pendle Finance 是一个无需许可的 DeFi 收益协议,用户可以在其中执行各种收益管理策略。Pendle 流动性提供者(LP)只需将头寸持有至完全到期即可获得零无常损失(IL)。

产品经理 Product Manager

About Pendle

Pendle is the biggest interest rate trading platform in the blockchain space, with more than $3B in Total Value Locked. We are a small, fast-moving team who are constantly building innovative products at the forefront of technology and finance.

About the job

We are seeking a self-driven and creative Product Manager to join our team, in charge of research to ideation and eventually execution of features to improve Pendle app. The ideal candidate will work together with the rest of the team to identify frictions and problems with the app, find and design solutions for them taking into consideration all the technical and operational implications that come with it and eventually work with engineers to bring the idea to life. 


  • Conduct research on frictions or problems users have with the product
  • Come up with feature suggestions and ideas to improve the product
  • Design and write specs for feature suggestions and ideas for engineers to implement
  • Work with engineers to ensure smooth implementation of the features


  • Fast learner
  • Strong interest in DeFi
  • Strong verbal and written communication skills
  • Detail Oriented
  • Ability to think critically and problem solve
  • Technical background is not required but is a huge plus
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