🔈Excitedly announcing Maze Guru’s Weekly Theme Contest:
It’s a chance to have your artwork be featured on Maze Guru’s official social media and to win the mystery gift🎁
▶▶ Check what weekly theme is in #🙋|weekly-theme
▶▶ Submit your weekly theme art work with your generation message link to #🎢|theme-post
▶▶ Vote by reacting with the specific emoji ->👍<- to your favorite image in the channel #🎢|theme-post
☼ Each user will earn 10 points directly by taking part in our contest
☼ Each time, based on the number of votes(50%) and the expert evaluations (50%), we will announce 3 winners:
The first will earn 200 points
The second will earn 150 points
The third will earn 100 points
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